Weather vane and anemometer

It is used to measure the wind direction with the latest technology in wind sensors:

Balanced weather vane • Close to null friction

• High precision with the magnetic angle sensor

• Unique characteristic that allows to choose the “North” for the orientation during the set-up


Taxes included


Nutritional needs

  • Optimization of the amount of substrata used.
  • Determination of the water needs of the crop.
  • Maintenance of optimal conditions of the crop.

Automatization of processes

  • Activation or deactivation of systems depending on the data.
  • Control of watering and nutrient supply processes

Alerts: Frost and plagues

  • We are warned about abrupt changes in the conditions.
  • Alert about the conditions to prevent plagues.
  • Soil diseases prevention.

Monitorization and control

  • Real-time visualization of the data from anywhere and any device.
  • Historical data logging by date ranges. It can be exported to Excel.

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